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SSH testing

  • SSH with username and password
### ssh with user name and password
SSH localhost:2022
Authorization: Basic username:password

cd /
ls -al

### ssh with user name and password
SSH username:password@localhost:2022

cd /
ls -al
  • SSH with known host
### ssh with known host
SSH [email protected]

ls -al
  • SSH with private key
### ssh with private key
SSH [email protected]
X-SSH-Private-Key: /path-to-private-key

ls -al

httpx loads multi private keys from $HOME/.ssh automatically, and filename match rule is id_\w+. You can omit X-SSH-Private-Key if you copy ssh private key into $HOME/.ssh and rename it to id_\w+ style.


  • httpx JetBrains plugin contains Shell Script language support for HTTP Body
  • httpx converts multi script lines into one line with ; separator, and make sure script executed in one session. Newline escape supported too.
echo "This will print \
as one line."